Light PT-141 dosing (250mcg-500mcg)] “I used .4 mg at 10] Based on my own experiences, a small dose is more effective if taken at night before bedtime.* The problem is dealing with an erection all night can disrupt one’s sleep.* Plus, it is possible to have an erection without desire or wherewithal to do anything about it. I know that may sound strange for younger men, but in my case it is true. Think of it as a piss hard on in the morning. You are hard, but you cannot perform to orgasm.* I suppose you could penetrate a female for her pleasure, but not your own.
I also found that even in very small dosages .3 mg during the day I am drawn toward sexual fantasies.* Although, this may just be a psychological response. Just knowing you’ve taken the drug puts you in the mood kind of thing.”
Common PT-141 dose 1mg subq
“Since I wasn’t seeing my girlfriend until this weekend I decided to take 10 units (0.1 cc) on Thursday at around 8pm to test it out. It did take awhile to fully kick in (about 6 hours) but when it did, it was great. kept getting hard off and on all night, until about noon the next day.”
“I mixed the PT-141, 50 units on the diabetes syringe to get 1mg. As far as ‘FEELINGS’, Bremelanotide does affect me psychologically and boosts my libido, but here’s probably why] “My initial dosage of 1.5 mg was too high. My erection lasted 8-10 hours. The dose was take at 7] “Me]Hubby: 55 years old, 150 lbs, injected 1.2 mgs
10 mg vial reconstituted with 1ml of bac water.
We both experienced slight flushing and queasiness approx. 10 minutes after injection..sides lasted no more that 15 minutes.
3 hours after injection bremelanotide (PT-141) hit like gangbusters.* We were sitting in the lounge area of a restaurant when my nether regions made themselves known. Increased sensitivity to any movement I made in my seat i.e. shifting or leg crossing. This was coupled with increased sexual thoughts. It is difficult not to think in sexual terms when some body parts are demanding your attention! My husband had a difficult time getting up from his chair to even approach the restaurant table. Next time we will time the injections better LOL
Heightened sensitivity, an overall “feel good” effect, on and off rock hard erections for hours, multiple mind-numbing orgasms! To say we are impressed with the effects of bremelanotide (PT-141) is an understatement. Viagra, Cialis etc aren’t even in the same ballpark.”
“I took 1mg of pt141 the 1st night, the normal reaction was expected, a warm fuzzy feeling that just put me in the mood, not that I need to be put in the mood, but it makes for a good excuse. My husband also used pt141 1mg but he also tried 20mg of cialis at the same time. After our 1st go around we went to sleep ever so happy and tired from the day. About 2] So we wake in the morning feeling like school kids, took a shower and headed off to breakfast, then spent the day at the beach with our little family.
So, it’s now 6
Now as I stated usually it takes 4 hours to take effect but taking the 2nd dose just 24 hours after the 1st really made a difference, I was really worked up, thank goodness our son went to sleep quickly.The rest of the weekend was just crazy I could not be put off, thank goodness my husband was able to keep up with me, I thought that the sex drive that I had felt in my early and mid 30’s was behind me but with PT141 we have yet another chapter in our relationship to explore.”
Large PT-141 dose 2mg
“On Friday around 5pm, I took 20 units (0.2 cc). By around 10, I was sporting serious wood. We had great sex. Like others have said, I felt like I was 18 again. We did it again in the middle of the night. Even after that I kept having major, solid erections all night long. Saturday after the gym, I took another 10 units and needless to say, my girlfriend and I had a fantastic weekend.
I am a believer. For me, this truly has been a lifesaver. If you have any doubts about this, I urge you to try it. In my case, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I can not praise this product enough.”“I took 2mg at about 5
Then around 11
I had a hard time, literally, most of the morning.* Not great timing with running kids to school and trying to work.* I need to work on the timing of the dose.* Finally, and I’m not complaining, the effects of the bremelanotide (PT-141) tapered off around 1pm.”2MG Bremelanotide PT-141 Experience
Had a successful trial in the last week.* Been some time since last using brem.*Reconstituted a fresh 2MG PT-141.* Used approx .3ml to reconstitute (as little as needed).* Wasted a fair deal of the peptide.* I view the 2mg as a couples dose, travel peptide…something of that nature to where I wont hesitate pitching what is not used in one dose.*
Drew out a dose around 1.25mg, subq.* My latest trial with low dose MT-II should have clued me into the time I had ahead of myself.*
Going into the evening I injected blind, recreationally…with no partner in sight nor mind.* Luckily enough I found the one who got away years back…timing could not have been more perfect.* The desire and passion I felt was off the charts – to the point of cutting glass with the morning wood (hardly can describe it that way as I was struggling to fit myself in my jeans in the AM when time to go).*
Dosed a little before 8pm, action happening in the 2-3am hours…and feeling it through the weekend (uncomfortable saturday football viewing – could not leave home).*
The sides were completely manageable.* There was zero nausea.* Stretching and the general aphrodisiac feelings were present, not overwhelming.* Hour or so after the inject I can feel it in my GI tract.* No loose stool, but movements were PT related…always need to have your stomach in check before using the PT-141 (at least I do) -difficult to describe the feeling there.*