The most effective and the safest way to create and utilise peptides for GH release is to combine a GHRH with a GHRP. CJC-1295 is our GHRH and the best in our professional opinion to couple with Ipamorelin, or other GHRP’s like Hexarelin, GHRP 2 & GHRP 6.
To understand this, it is essential that you understand the basics of our GH releasing system, which is comprised of GHRH at one end and Somatostatin at the other end. In between these two –“the neutral area” are the receptor sites, where both GHRH and Somatostatin work.
Visualise a see-saw. When one end goes up (is inactive), the other goes down (active). It is impossible for both to be down at the same time, just as it is impossible for them to both be up at the same time. This is the relationship between GHRH and Somatostatin. They must be at opposite ends at all times and they never ever break this rule.
CJC 1295 IS GHRH. GHRH stands for Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone. Its job is self-explanatory- it causes the receptor sites to release GH. When GHRH is present at the receptor site GH is released. At this point GHRH is down therefore somatostatin is up (inactive). The result is a GH release. However, we do not want the body the GHRH to be down at all times. The reason we do not want GHRH to be active at all times is because Somatostatin is needed to ‘turn off’ the receptor site. Somatostatin stops the receptor site releasing GH and instead makes it produce GH which it stores to be released at a later time, when GHRH is active again.
GHRH (CJC 1295) is going to release GH, So why use a GHRP?
GHRH or CJC 1295 is completely ineffective if Somatostatin is at the receptor sites. GHRH (CJC 1295) cannot work at all if Somatostatin is present.
What our GHRP’s do is temporarily stop the effect of Somatostatins. (as well as causing GH to be released). This means that the GHRH will be able to release GH. If you just use GHRH then it is a gamble- if the Somatostatins are there it will not work AND NO GH WILL BE RELEASED, only if the Somatostatins are not there than the GHRH will cause GH to be released by the receptor site.
The GHRP’s act on the receptor sites and stop the limiting effects of Somatostatins as well as causing a release of GH in themselves. The way in which the GHRP’s work in pulses. They cause GH release independent of the receptor sites and independent of GHRH, however to get the best GH release you need to combine them. Think of it like this:
GHRH (CJC1295) causes a GH release of ‘5’ and GHRP causes a GH release of ‘5’ but when used together they do not cause a GH release of 10 they cause a GH release of 100.
Ipamorelin is the most versatile of the GHRP’s. Ipamorelin is a potent stimulator of growth hormone release. Ipamorelin does not increase prolactin and cortisol release. There is no de-sensitisation to its effectiveness provided there is at least two hours between doses. Ipamorelin does not cause stomach discomfort or increased appetite in users..
GHRP 2 is a man-made growth hormone secretagogue. It is a potent stimulator of growth hormone release, more potent than Ipamorelin and GHRP-6. However, moderate to high doses of GHRP-2 do increase prolactin and cortisol release into the high normal range (prolactin can cause breast growth and water retention, cortisol is a stress hormone and can cause muscle breakdown). No de-sensitisation to its effectiveness occurs. Unlike ghrelin, it does not have an appetite stimulation or stomach discomfort effect. Saturation dose is around 100mcg, meaning that doses above this level have declining effectiveness.
GHRP 6 No de-sensitisation to its effectiveness occurs if there is more than two hours between doses. Like ghrelin, it does have a potent appetite stimulation effect, usually within 30 minutes of administration.
HEXARELIN is the strongest of the GHRP’s but has the most drastic effect on Cortisol and Prolactin. You develop a sensitivity to Hexarelin very quickly and should be used for 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off. (during the off time you can use a different GHRP)